Tuesday, January 22, 2019

You are a risk that I am willing to take

Posted by sin yee at 4:53 PM 0 comments






January 15, 2019

Monday, October 22, 2018

Why do you pull me close and then ask me for space?

Posted by sin yee at 12:37 AM 0 comments

If all it is is 8 letters, why is it so hard to say?

I like you.

14th October 2018

Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Posted by sin yee at 11:09 PM 0 comments

How could you break our promise so easily?

You kept insisting it was for my own good and you have my best interest in mind,
but have you considered how I felt?

"All is fair in love and war"
How is it fair that you can buy gifts for me, yet I can't.
Just because I'm not financially stable like you 😔

You deserve the best
and sadly, I'm not yours to keep. 💔

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

You're perfectly wrong for me, and that's why it's so hard to leave

Posted by sin yee at 9:30 PM 0 comments
I won't deny, I was once attracted to your charms,
You are caring, attentive, protective and a true gentleman.
It's difficult to guard my heart against these rare qualities,
but no matter how hard I try to overlook certain things,
I still don't think we are compatible.

This revelation came to light when we're each supporting our favorite Dota 2 teams.
Sounds really childish, but true, it was that day that I realized,
no matter how much I like your attentiveness and caring personality,
I still cannot handle a guy who is egoistical and vain.
"Confidence is attractive and sexy, but over-confidence is a slow and insidious killer."

I have been told to stop stringing you along
since I already knew that nothing can, nor will happen between us.
I think I've already been quite clear about my feelings over the past months.
Indirect rejections and discreetly pushing you away through texts and gestures,
hoping you would get the meaning behind my actions, but I don't think you did.

"Ignorance is bliss",
and you've played the "Silence means consent" card one too many times.
The approaches I had used may be too subtle for you to notice the meaning,
but it was to minimize the hurt that I will, eventually cause you.
And I'm filled with guilt whenever you treat me as if,
there could be something more between us. 😞

You think it's easy
You think I don't want to run to you
But there are mountains
And there are doors that we can't walk through
I know you're wondering why
Because we're able to be
Just you and me
Within these walls
But when we go outside
You're gonna wake up and see that it was hopeless after all

No one can rewrite the stars
How can you say you'll be mine
Everything keeps us apart
And I'm just not the one you were meant to find.

Friday, August 17, 2018

You could break my heart in two, but when it heals it beats for you.

Posted by sin yee at 9:36 PM 0 comments

Last time, I was able to use "studies" as an excuse to evade questions regarding my relationship; now, I can no longer rely on that excuse.


Well, I found the answer to these questions:-

因为还未遇到一个想让我谈恋爱的对象 :]

Sunday, March 12, 2017

We Don't Talk Anymore

Posted by sin yee at 2:34 PM 0 comments




Sunday, April 24, 2016

In which she needs a wake up call

Posted by sin yee at 8:55 PM 0 comments

We were once so close, within reaching distance.
Now we' re like strangers.

Strangers who happen to know each other very well.

Although I should be getting used to the idea that you may end up with someone else,
there is still a glimmer of hope that maybe...

Sigh, I'm still not over you.

Whenever I see pictures of you and a girl, whoever she may be,
I can't help but feel a sting and think of the what ifs.

I need to stop these unhealthy thoughts.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

In which she is thinking

Posted by sin yee at 12:54 AM 0 comments
It's amusing how often people confide me with their love issues,
and surprisingly, I can actually give potential advises, despite my situation, sadly.
Oh, the irony of the situation. 😌

The thought that my friends are getting into relationships is comforting.
Everyone deserves happiness.
Besides, love can be a really good motivation, in a way.

Say, six years is quite far ahead.
Do you think there is a possibility that maybe, 
just maybe, we can be together again? #wishfulthinking

Honestly, I don't think I'll ever forget you,
no matter how hard I try, not that I did try hard enough,
but I'd like to believe I did, at one point of time.

After all, they did warn that:
"the first time you fall in love, it changes you forever,
and no matter how hard you try, that feeling just never goes away."

Maybe I should not concentrate on ways to forget you,
but instead should remember the way I was when we're together, all the good times.
Hopefully then, I will not give up on love, and who knows, meet someone worthy. 😊

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

In which she still misses him

Posted by sin yee at 10:09 AM 0 comments
Those precious moments;
feelings that kindled when we're together;
and YOU.

how long will I need
in order to completely let go?

Thursday, November 19, 2015

There's a million reasons why I should give you up, but the heart wants what it wants

Posted by sin yee at 5:52 PM 0 comments

2 years..
seems so unimportant and insignificant to you,
but it means so much to me.
It marked the beginning of something,
how could you forget it?

It all started with a conversation about your admirer..


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